So What Is An Author’s Assistant Anyway?

So many author’s contact me with questions about helping them with publicity and PR work. They think that’s what an author’s assistant is. Well, I’m here to set the issue straight.

The author’s assistant idea arose from a very savvy publicist, Jan King, who unfortunately passed a few years ago. Her concept embraced the use of Internet technology with the profession of virtual assistants. Hence the longer, but more accurate title “Professional Virtual Author Assistant”.

In essence, an author’s assistant is a combination of savvy virtual assistant with the knowledge and skills to assist authors in polishing their manuscripts, publishing their book and then setting up the social media promotion machine.

While an author’s assistant can do this, they can also be an ongoing administrative support person (or project manager) for an author’s day-to-day business tasks. Author assistants can create social media accounts, create and schedule posts, research materials or information for the posts and respond to comments or questions when an author is too busy at their day job. Keeping posts going out on a consistent basis is, after all, what social media is all about.

Author assistants can also update information for purchased ISBNs, submit a copyright request, send out review requests, update a website with new book information, setup and monitor a book or cover reveal tour. They can create an email campaign for a new book release and even schedule interviews, books signings and speaking engagements.

We can do what a virtual assistant does but we’re focused on helping authors create and publish the best books they can.